Gargoyles are the property of Disney. No copyright infringement is intended. This takes place during the second season of Gargoyles, after the Avalon tour. All My Children Goliath didn’t look up from his book as the sounds of an argument came through the wall. Lexington and Brooklyn were arguing about something or another. Again. How those two could be such close friends when they spent so much time at each other’s throats was beyond him. Before, he would have gone out there, broken it up and sent them off on their own to calm down. But now he resisted the urge to intervene. Whatever it was this time, they could handle it themselves. His children were no longer children. Unfortunately. It was nice, Goliath admitted, that they were grown - well, mostly grown. They were still young, even compared to humans. But these three had seen more and lived through more than he would have believed possible a thousand years ago. They were more experienced in the ways of the world than any warrior of Castle Wyvern had been. And he had no doubt that had they been anyone else, they would not have made it as far as they had. There had been trouble, certainly, but they had risen above it every time. But young was young and children were children. He would give anything to turn back time, make things the way they had been and allow them to be normal teenagers, growing up with their Clan. He still remembered them as children. Well, the boys at least. He never would have imagined that any three children could cause so much trouble. Brooklyn especially had been - *rambunctious* - in his youth. He had been a member of a group of, well, bullies, Goliath supposed was the best word, who had gotten in trouble practically on a nightly basis. The main targets of their teasing had been Lexington, because of his small size and Broadway, for the exact opposite reason. But the two boys had teamed up against them. Lexington’s sarcasm and quick wit, combined with Broadway’s imposing bulk had kept them on par with the bullies. Often Goliath would come across the two groups, trading insults back and forth. He was never certain what changed or why, but one night everything was normal, the next Fatso was a social outcast among the children and Brooklyn, Lexington and Broadway were practically inseparable. He wasn’t complaining. He’d never liked Fatso. And Brooklyn had never struck him as the type to be happy as a bully. Long before he’d had any reason to consider such a course of action, he’d noticed that Brooklyn had the potential to one day be Clan leader. If he’d ever learn to control his temper. Which he had. And now he was shaping up to be an admirable second-in-command. Broadway and Lexington had changed as well. They were not so easily trusting now as they had been, especially Lexington. It was a necessary change, but one Goliath regretted. Innocence was a precious commodity. Which simply brought him to Angela. His daughter was not a child; she was of acceptable age to mate and have a daughter of her own, if she wished it; yet in many ways she was still young. On Avalon she had been surrounded by her rookery siblings and the humans who had raised them. She had never had a reason not to trust anyone and she had been sheltered from much of the worst that the world had to offer. Sure she had been told the story of what happened to her Clan, what the outside world was like, but that was hardly the same as experiencing it firsthand. He feared that Angela had some hard lessons ahead of her. It was odd, in a way, to think of Angela as his daughter. According to the gargoyle way there was no parent, child or sibling. One generation raised the next. And every member of a generation were brothers and sisters. Had things gone as they should have, Angela would be a child to him the same way the boys had been. But things hadn’t gone as they should have. They had been betrayed, the Clan slaughtered, the castle destroyed. The few survivors had been betrayed yet again when they rescued the human survivors from the Vikings and the Magus blamed them for Princess Katherine’ death. Only she hadn’t died, Goliath had saved her. So even more of his Clan had ‘died’ needlessly, trapped in stone until the castle rose above the clouds. And he had been the only one left. And now, there were even fewer. One thing he had managed to learn about his people since coming to this time was that the slaughter at Wyvern had not been the first, nor had it been the last. And far too often it had not been caused by marauding Vikings, but by the people the gargoyle clan protected. Perhaps that was why he was willing to admit the bond between himself and Angela was different than that of the one he shared with Lexington, Brooklyn and Broadway. There were more of his kind than he had previously thought, the Avalon trip had taught him that, but the population was nowhere near what it had once been. Clans were no longer twenty, thirty, more in number. They were five, seven, ten, twelve. Things had changed too much to pretend they hadn’t. Didn’t mean he had to like it. He often found himself longing for the simplicity of the past. To this day he couldn’t explain why he had chosen to join Hudson and the Trio in eternal stone sleep instead of staying with the eggs in the rookery, helping to raise them when they hatched. He had a fairly good idea though. His oldest friend and three of his children may one day be awakened from the curse that bound them. How could he not join them? How could he not be there for them that day in the future when they may finally awaken? He had let them down once. He would not do so again. And Princess Katherine, for all her bluster and shouting, had promised to treat the eggs as her own children. She would do so, if for no other reason than to preserve her own honor. After all, she had given him her word. So here he was. A thousand and one years in the future. Chased out of his ancestral home, living in a clock tower of all places, reunited with his daughter and Clan and learning to know them as he never would have in the old days, when he was responsible for many. And of course, here he had Elisa. *That* was something else he would have lost if he had stayed with the eggs. He would have lived, grown old and died without ever knowing the woman who brought so much light into his heart. Of course, he never would have learned of Demona’s betrayal, either... But maybe it was for the best that he had. He would not spend his life mourning the death of a woman who had not died and his Clan would not face her hatred on their own. Had he not been there it is very likely that Xanatos’ plan would have succeeded and his Clan would be Demona’s. The thought repulsed him more than he’d thought it could. Where did that leave them? Alone. But not totally. Elisa, Matt and a few others supported them. Someday, more would. And maybe, one day, before his time was over, he’d see the children of his Clan leading *their* children to peace with humankind. Outside, he heard Angela and Hudson trying to break up the argument, and Broadway, joking in the background. He wondered again what they were quarreling about this time. He shook his head and returned to his book. No, he would never regret his decision. After all, his children needed him.