The Mighty Ducks and all related characters are the property of Walt Disney Television. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made. Believe me, I'm not crazy enough to take on Disney. This story and all original characters are the property of the owner. This takes place after Beyond Brotherhood and Beyond Brotherhood: Precious Things. I'd recommend reading the stories Meditations and Brotherhood before this one, just so you know what's going on. Hewwo Kat! Am I updating fast enough yet? ________ Beyond Brotherhood: Outside Looking In It was just short of midnight when I finally dragged myself through the back doors of the Pond. I was tired, bruised and the information I'd gained that night was not worth the aggravation I'd gone through to get it. As I made my way to the kitchen, taking care to favor the entire right side of my body, I reflected on the fact that I had to be more dedicated to my self-designed goal of keeping an eye on the Anaheim Underworld than I'd thought. Or I was a masochist. I honestly wasn't sure at the moment. Filling the coffee pot and starting up the machine with just one hand wasn't easy, but I've been told that I pursue caffeine the way most men pursue wealth and personal happiness, and somehow managed to get everything percolating nicely without making too much of a mess. Eyeing the water on the floor and the scattering of coffee grounds on the counter, I considered leaving it all there till morning - Mallory would probably assume it was Dive, not me who'd made the mess. No, the coffee grounds would give me away, Dive had yet to fully appreciate the benefits of a good cup of hot coffee. Mallory would know it was me - and with the luck I'd been having tonight she'd probably slip on the water and be in a killing mood. Okay... Paper towels to the rescue. Fifteen minutes later the floor is dry and I have an entire pot of hot coffee all to myself - Jamaican blend. I have the pot gripped in my left hand and a large mug in my right when the kitchen door opens and narrowly avoids slamming into my face. Or worse - spilling my coffee. A burst of laughter makes me look up as a second voice hushes the first. "Up a little late, aren't we boys?" I ask dryly. Wildwing smirks and pointedly glances over the pot of coffee before moving on to my torn uniform and bruised arm and face. "At least we came back in one piece. What happened to you?" "Some gentlemen and I had a little disagreement over the state of local politics," I replied smoothly, rearranging my grip on the coffee pot. Wildwing was giving me a look that said he didn't believe a word of it, and Dive's expression said he did believe it, but didn't appreciate the understatement. "What have you been up to, fearless leader? You're not usually a night owl." Dive answered for him. "Movies," he said brightly, a barely contained grin on his face. "I talked Wing into seeing Star Wars." "All three movies," Wildwing sighed. I exchanged a commiserating glance with him, but noticed he didn't seem all that upset. "I had to talk him out of buying a lightsabre between showings." Dive nodded happily. "I can't wait until the new one comes out," he announced. "Episode One's supposed to be released next May." "Can't wait," Wildwing and I chorused. We looked at each other with raised brows, then turned to Dive as he broke out laughing. "You two... Geez." "Speak with a little more respect," I said. "We are your elders, kid." The sound he made is best left to the imagination, but left no doubt as to what he thought of that. "Elders. Ha." "Aren't you the one always pointing out how ancient I am?" I asked archly. "Really, kid, at least be consistent." "My name is Dive," he reminded me. "Not kid." I ignored that. "Has he been this giggly all night, Wildwing?" "*Hey!* I am *not* giggly!" I looked at him in surprise. "You certainly seem giggly. You're giggling." "I am *not!*" Biting back a smile, I turned back to Wildwing, who was watching up with an expression of amusement. "Was he this giggly during the movie? Must have been awfully disruptful for the other viewers..." "I *am not giggly!*" I heaved a dramatic sigh. "Really, Dive. You certainly are in a mood this evening. How did you put up with him, Wildwing?" Wildwing looked past me and smiled, his expression remarkably content. "I managed." Whatever Dive was about to say to me was forgotten as he smiled back at his brother. For a moment there was no sound, no movement, and I couldn't help but smile myself. Looks like these two finally managed to work things out. Dive looks happier than he has since... well, for a long time. And Wildwing - I don't think I've seen him this relaxed in the entire time I've known him. I feel a brief pang of envy and forcibly push it aside. "About time," I say softly, realizing that the coffee pot is growing heavier in my hand by the second. "Thought I was gonna have to lock you in a room somewhere." Reaffirming my grip on the pot, I turn and head for the door again. "I'll see you two in the morning." A soft snort is the reply. "Don't you mean afternoon, Duke?" Wildwing asks me dryly. "To-may-to... to-mah-to..." I shrug and slip out the door, letting it slide shut behind me as I stand there for a moment. Well. I shook my head and kept walking toward my personal quarters. If tonight was any indication, I mused thoughtfully, it seemed Dive and Wildwing had managed to work out whatever issues they had between them - though to be truthful, I'd barely realized there *were* issues. I'd known Dive was unhappy, but never thought it had something to do with his brother. Those two were always so close... It was hard for me to believe that their relationship could get closer. Then again, it was a little hard to believe that their relationship existed at all. I'm not given to sentimentality, and I wasn't one to trust anyone, or believe in anything. When I'd first met these two, so much obvious trust and affection between them... They'd seemed almost surreal. Don't ask me how, but I managed to key in the password for my quarters without dropping the coffee, and used voice command to lock the door behind me before setting the coffee down on the bedside table, and the mug beside it. I filled the mug and took a long drink before I started to strip out of my uniform. Hot shower. Right after coffee, that was heaven at the moment. It was under the hot spray, with a full mug of coffee resting on the sink, in arm's reach if I wanted it - yes, I'm addicted to caffeine. I know it, I admit it, I don't really care - that my thoughts drifted back to the scene in the kitchen tonight. The first time I'd met either of them was about three or so months after Canard had helped me escape from Installation 82, the work camp I'd ended up in after the invasion. Canard had disappeared only a week or so after he'd brought me back to General McMallard's headquarters, then shown up again with the Mask of Ducaine and two teenagers, both of whom looked even younger than Canard himself did. I'd pretty much tuned everything after "Mask of Ducaine" out and only dimly registered the existence of his new recruit - singular, because at that point none of us had had any idea that Dive would end up a member of the team - it wasn't until later that their presence started to really sink in. I don't know what it was; the fact that I can hardly remember seeing one of them without the other the entire time we were in the resistance base, the easy way they watched each other's backs, or the fact that Wildwing had nearly had his head taken off in a fight when he stood up to one of the resistance commanders who didn't like having a kid as young as Dive around; that finally sunk it home that these two had something special. And even then, it never really sunk in just how special. I smiled wryly into the hot water. Duke l'Orange may have been the best and most dedicated member of the Brotherhood of the Sword, but I was blind as a bat about real brotherhood. Just ask my own brother. Rance. Rance would be a year or two older then Wildwing, if he was still alive. They were even a little alike, both dedicated to their jobs, both letting their responsibilities weigh a little too heavily on their shoulders. I'd never mentioned him to anyone except Canard, and even then only briefly. Really, why should I have? We hadn't spoken in years... not since I'd left home at nineteen, except for the time he'd arrested me almost two years ago. We were never all that close, though looking back it wasn't for lack of trying on Rance's part. How many second chances did he give me? So many I stopped even noticing when he did, taking it for granted he would continue to do so. I don't think anything's hurt me quite so much as finding out that the cop on the other end of the weapon in my face was my kid brother. I remember feeling betrayed, which is funny as hell if you stop and think about it. I never even noticed the look in his eyes. Now I can clearly look back and see the hurt in him, but at the time I'd been so caught up in my own sense of betrayal... I could be an idiot at times. I never trusted Rance again after that, not that I'd trusted him all that much *before* that. Looking at Dive and Wildwing always makes me think of Rance, and I get caught up in the whatifs and couldhavebeens that keep me awake at night. What if I'd trusted him more? Could we have had something as close as Dive and Wildwing do? Will I ever stop regretting that I'll never know? I feel like a little kid standing outside a store window sometimes. They have something I want, something I'd give almost anything to experience just *once* to see if it can possibly be as wonderful as they make it look, and I know it'll never happen. I well and truly blew my chances. Rance is gone, and even assuming he's not dead - a thought that hurts me more than I would've thought it could - he stopped giving me second chances. I'll never be able to repair the almost ten years we lost. I'd never had any particularly close friends, someone I trusted. And now... I admit, I'm fond of Dive. He's a good kid, smart, funny, loyal. But I only have to see the look in his eye when he talks to his brother to know that I'll always be second at best. Oddly enough, I don't begrudge Wildwing that. There's something entirely too right about them for me to be jealous of it. That doesn't keep me from wishing though. End