Standard disclaimers: X-Men, Generation X and all related characters are the property of Marvel Comics. No copyright infringement is intended. This story and all original characters are the products of a deranged imagination and way too much caffeine. Allow me to apologize in advance for my Spanish - I know it's horrible. ________ To Hell and Back: Part Two October 8, 1994 "Something's going on out there." "So what else is new? Something's always going on out there, chica, and it's never anything good for us. So stop daydreaming and get back to work. We've only got an hour of sunlight left." "I am *not* daydreaming! And something is really going on out there, Ange! People are running around and I hear screaming." She cast him a worried glance. "What do you think it is?" Angelo Espinosa smiled at the young girl standing across from him. Her name was Jubilee and that was all she'd tell him, even after five months of what he'd like to call friendship. He figured it was short for Jubilation, he'd known a girl back home with that name. He knew nothing else about her though, just that her family had been killed in one of the last cullings before the Kelly Pact was enacted and she'd survived because she was a mutant. He didn't know what her power was, although it probably wasn't anything spectacular since she was in the genepool and not the training for Apocalypse's personal cadre or the army. She was Asian, maybe Chinese, but her blue eyes seemed to imply American heritage too. And she spoke with a definite California accent. A valley girl. At least she was young enough to loose her former way of life and adjust to the pens. Was that a good thing? "It's what it always is," he finally said. "The guards are dragging some poor hombre off to the labs and whoever it is decided to put up a fight. I hope he lands a few good hits." Jubilee sighed. "It's not, Ange. Listen and you'll hear it. They're not fighting, they're hurrying. They're doing something." Angelo had to admit she was right. It *did* sound like the guards were rushing to get some job finished on time. "It's not important, Jube. Either way, we can't do anything about it." "But don't you want to?" Jubilee asked. "Doesn't it bother you, sitting down here doing *nothing* every day?" "We aren't doing nothing," Angelo told her. "We're staying alive. Quite an accomplishment considering the circumstances." "Ohhh," Jubilee sighed. "You're impossible." Angelo grinned. "No kidding, amiga. Now grab the rest of the food and get a move on. Claudia's waiting." *** Claudia was indeed waiting, as were the fifteen other young men and women that made up their little group. Most of them were people Angelo had known before being captured and thrown into the pens. Some were old friends, others were former fellow gang members. The rest he'd met after arriving here, many under the same circumstances he'd met Jubilee. They'd all joined together to survive in the harsh environment of the genepens. They'd become something of a family. Such as it was. Angelo and Jubilee carefully stacked the food in what was jokingly called the kitchen. In truth, it was just the area they usually ate in. There wasn't even a firepit to warm the food the guards gave them. Claudia was the 'den-mother' as she called herself. The oldest of Angelo's group, Claudia took it upon herself to watch after the other seventeen kids. At times, as Angelo more than once complained, she took her job as mother a little *too* seriously. Right then, Claudia was too busy tending the food to pay attention to much else. Three other members of the group stood around her, silent warning to the other prisoners to back off. The pens were crowded on a good day, and when food was involved, they seemed to gain five or six hundred people. Claudia glanced over the food they'd brought back. "This is all they were giving out, huh?" she sighed. "I guess I can do *something* with this." "Since when do the guards serve gourmet meals?" Angelo asked. "And we have all the faith in you, Claud. If you can't turn trash into leftovers, I'll eat my hat." "Thanks for the vote of confidence. You could at least pretend that something edible will come out of all this." "Nine months you've been trying and it ain't happened yet." "Jubilee, honey, hit him for me, okay?" Jubilee snorted. "Leave me out of this. I know what you two-" Anything could have happened next. Teasing. An argument. A prisoner fight. The explosion was a bit unexpected though. The thundering noise was almost deafening and through the grill at the top of the pit the fiery red and orange hues of fire could be seen. As the noise died away, screams reached the prisoners and bits of rubble and debris rained down into the pit. Angelo reached over and grabbed both Claudia and Jubilee, shoving them against the wall to avoid the still-burning debris as it fell around them. From above the screams were replaced by frantically shouted orders and the sounds of running feet. "Madre de dia," Claudia whispered. The dirt from the walls had smudged her face, and her eyes were watering from the dirt and smoke that drifted down into the pit. "What's happening?" There was a sound from above and a shadow fell across them as something blocked the light coming in. They all glanced up to see a body lay sprawled across the grate directly above them. Jubilee moaned softly. Worried Angelo looked over to make sure she was all right, even as she jumped away. He saw the crimson smear of blood across her face and hair and for an instant he was afraid before he followed her grimace and realized what had happened. The body above was bleeding on her. He grimaced sympathetically - then grimaced for real when Claudia grabbed his arm painfully hard. "Angelo!" "What is it? What are you trying to do? Rip my arm off?" "Look at him," Claudia hissed pointing up. "Do I have to?" "Angelo! He's not a guard! Look at the uniform he's wearing!" Claudia was right. The body above them didn't wear the usual colors of the guards, red and black. Instead it wore a pale blue uniform with some sort of white stripes down the sides and a symbol of some sort at the shoulders. An 'X'. It was over in minutes. The screaming gradually died down and the chaos from above stopped. In the sudden quiet Angelo exchanged a brief glance with his two friends, and read the hope in their eyes that mirrored his. Above them, two people stepped onto the grate and lifted the body away. With a thrum of machinery the grate began to slide back. Angelo held still, barely daring to move. Those two people had not worn the uniforms of the guards... A woman jumped down into the pits, golden hair swirling around her waist. She stood and Angelo saw that her blue and gold uniform bore the same 'X' symbol as the man's above had. The woman moved carefully, obviously trying not to worry or startle anyone. "My name is Dazzler," she said. "And I'm here to help you." Angelo felt a touch on his arm and looked to see Jubilee watching with wide eyes. "Ange, her uniform-" "I know, chica," Angelo whispered. "The X-Men." ________ To be continued...