Here is Greenwood is the property of its creators, none of which are me and all of whose names escape me at the moment. Suffice it to say, I wasn't fortunate enough to create these wonderful characters, just fortunate enough to get to play with them for a while. This story is the property of the author. Fair warning here, people. This story involves a relationship between two men. m/m, slash, shounen ai, yaoi, whatever you call it, that's what this is. Rated PG or PG-13 because nothing really happens. Just a peek inside Shiboru's head. _____ ________ A Winter Night's Musings Shinobu lay against his pillow, chest heaving for breath, heart pounding in his chest. He shifted, and the sheets clung cloyingly to his sweat-sheened body, the blankets above them an insulating weight that did little to help him cool down. He contemplated kicking them away but shied away from the idea, mindful of the cold weather outside, and the malfunctioning heat inside the dorm. Better to be a little too warm than to get sick. He stretched languidly, and rolled onto his side, one arm automatically wrapping around the sleeping boy beside him. Shinobu relaxed infinitesimally, molding himself against his lover. Mitsuru stirred in his sleep just enough to worm an arm around Shinobu's waist in return, and curl into the warmth and comfort his embrace provided. Shinobu tucked Mitsuru's head beneath his chin and allowed himself the slightest of smiles, safely hidden in the dark. He loved the way Mitsuru responded to him, even in his sleep, with absolute trust and affection. It warmed him, and reassured him that here, in their relationship at least, Mitsuru was not trying to be a stranger. There were footsteps in the hallway as someone made their way from the bathroom back to their dorm, and Shinobu listened as a door just down the hall opened and then closed quietly. He hadn't heard them make their way to the bathroom only a few minutes earlier and mentally scolded himself for not paying closer attention. The walls were thin in this old building. It was hard to have a conversation without being overheard, let alone - well, let alone what they had been doing. Shinobu usually tried to keep an ear open for anyone passing by, but sometimes it was hard to pay attention to anything besides the firm body beside his, the soft touches and gentle hands... that beautiful voice... He smirked at himself *and* his one-track mind. If he kept this up, he'd end up waking Mitsuru. 'Sleep now,' he told himself. 'We can always do *that* again later.' A particularly fierce gust of wind roared past the window, rattling the glass in the panes, and he grimaced silently. It was almost winter break now, only two days left before the other boys would be heading home, and the weather was worse than it usually was. He dreaded the thought of going out into that tomorrow morning and spared himself a moment of illogical desire, wishing it was already vacation and that he could simply stay where he was, warm beneath the blankets, wrapped in Mitsuru's embrace. But it was useless to wish for impossible things. Winter break would come soon enough and *then* he could stay in bed as long as he pleased. Sleeping or not. On the far side of the room, beside the door, two bags were already packed, containing the clothing and other necessities they'd both need over the break. They would be spending the time at Shinobu's home - one of them anyway. His apartment in Tokyo went unused for most of the year, but was a more than suitable place to live. Since Mitsuru was so determined to avoid his family, and Shinobu would sooner slit his own throat than willingly subject himself to quality time with his father and sister - and the prospect of splitting up for even the duration of a school vacation was an unpleasant one - he'd suggested the use of his apartment, and Mitsuru had agreed enthusiastically. One of these days, Shinobu decided, he'd have to do something about this nonsense idea Mitsuru had about distancing himself from his family. He'd seen how much Mitsuru was loved there, but still the boy insisted on viewing himself as a stranger. Somehow, he'd gotten the idea into his head that because he was adopted his parents were obligated to care for him, and that as soon as he was old enough to be on his own that obligation would be ended. It was ridiculous, honestly, and even Shinobu, who'd met his family only a few times, knew better. But then, that was Mitsuru. For someone so wonderful, he seemed to have a dismally low opinion of himself. And those rumors about gangs didn't help any. Shinobu'd like to have a chat with the fool who'd come up with *that* particular bit of gossip. After all, it was hard enough getting through to Mitsuru at times as it was. It had taken Shinobu months to dig deep enough beneath the layers Mitsuru had built around himself and his heart and find a way to convince him that their friendship would not be a wasted one. Even so, it had been a while before Mitsuru had truly been willing to trust him. And even longer before... The warm body beside his, the arms wrapped around his waist, the soft hair beneath his cheek, the strong heartbeat against his chest, all were symbols of a prize long fought for and hard won. Becoming lovers was not something Shinobu had planned on, but as their friendship grew, as their trust for each other expanded, it had come to the point where they not only trusted each other with their minds, but with their hearts as well. And as their love for each other grew, so did their need, until one quiet spring night more than a year ago, it had all made sense and they'd chosen to take the step beyond friendship. Shinobu didn't regret an instant of it. He'd sensed in Mitsuru the same inner strength that he himself possessed, and beyond that, a kinship, a shared... state of being, he supposed. Words never did fit what he sensed through his abilities, and they failed miserably in trying to describe the depth of feeling he felt from and for Mitsuru. He'd known, on first meeting, that they could each come to be what the other needed. At the time he'd been fighting for a friend, someone he could trust, share himself with, without fear of being hurt, rejected or punished. Growing up with a psychotic for an older sister had made him wary of letting *anyone* too close, but what he'd seen in Mitsuru had convinced him to finally open himself up. Mitsuru had proven himself worthy of the trust he'd been given - worthy of so much more, in fact, that Shinobu at times feared he wouldn't be able to give his magnificent lover everything he deserved. He'd have worried more if he didn't know Mitsuru often felt the same way. 'What a pair we are,' he thought fondly. 'All our problems, combined together. It's amazing we ever managed to stop tripping over our feelings and *do* something about them.' He smiled contentedly, and shifted a little, delighting in the feel of warm, smooth skin gliding gently against his own. Maybe he'd wake Mitsuru after all. end