Top 10 Signs You've Become an Obsessed SOSer

10.) As soon as you walk into the Post Office the clerk pulls out a book of stamps.

9.) You can spell Wertheimer from memory

8.) You've memorized the six-digit PO Box number for UPN.

7.) Your friends no longer ask what it is you're asking them to sign. They just scribble their names and go back to what they were doing.

6.) You've written letters using three or more different names.

5.) At work you managed to save everyone a lot of time by recognizing the Hollywood zip code.

4.) You spend more time at the SOS website than at your own.

3.) You *have* a website devoted to the Support Our Sentinel campaign.

2.) UPN and Paramount's e-mail addresses have been added to your address book - and you use them more often than your spouse's/parents'/best friend's.

And the Number One sign you've become an obsessed SOSer...

1.) You actually do get a drum roll when you open your phone bill! (Thanks, Shelagh!)