
The Mighty Ducks and all related characters, things, place, images and logos are the property of Walt Disney Corporations and any applicable associates. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made due to the usage of the aforementioned characters, etc.

The Blood of Ancients storyline, plot, concepts and ideas as well as all original characters are the property of the author.

Praise, comments, suggestions and criticisms can be sent to majik6@geocities.com

Author's Notes

I have to say, first off, that The Blood of Ancients was the first fanfic of this length and level of complexity that I had ever written. But I also have to say that it's one of the best. I think so anyway!

This all started because I read a book. And in that book was a character named Tremaine. So out of the blue I decide that Tremaine is a pretty neat name and that I want to write a story with someone named Tremaine in it. From this idle thought came a simple time-travel story I originally called Things Yet to Come. Somewhere along the line though my imagination got a hold of something funny and the next thing I knew, my simple little story was more than a hundred hand written pages long.

And that's where this story comes from.

You should probably read my story Arsenal of Freedom before this one and it wouldn't hurt to read Earthquake either. Neither is necessary to the understanding of the story, however.

The story starts out a little slowly - I had to explain everything somewhere - but it'll pick up soon enough, don't worry. And just for the record - I really rip the Ducks to shreds and then tape them back together.

In short: Pay attention. There's gonna be a lot of changes.

Thanks Where Thanks Are Due

I really have to thank the people who helped and inspired me with this story - I couldn't have done it without them.

Thank you, Sara, Alicia, Mark, Brad and most especially Melissa for putting up with me while I wrote this. I know I drove you crazy and I know you hate the Mighty Ducks (nobody's perfect, I guess) but you didn't once tell me what I could do with my story... Except Melissa who kept coming up with new ways to kill off the main characters!

Thanks to Candy who sicced me on to the Mighty Ducks Forum - Thus cementing a growing obsession for a certain animated series.

Thank you to Lindsay - Creator of The Girlz in Black, Webmystress of the Brother(Sister)hood of Stuff, Bane of Squirrels everywhere and goddess of all things caffeinated :) - For being the inspiration behind Lindsay Ducaine. Lindsay is kind, friendly - and she said she liked my stories! So there! Nyah!

And thank you most especially to Zelda. If I hadn't gotten bored one day and wandered through the Internet, accidentally stumbling across a place called "The Dragon's Den" I never would have read a certain piece of fanfic and I never would have become interested in The Mighty Ducks.

Thanks, gang. It's been real.

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