What I'm Looking For

Updated: 6-14-01

Majik's Most Wanted!

-Any and all episodes of The Magnificent Seven in SP mode, first or second gen. This especially applies to second season.
-The Hardy Boys TV series. It's all the senfic mailing list's fault. That's all I can say.
-The fourth season of The Sentinel. I lost an entire boxful of tapes somewhere between Virginia and Maine and this was in it.
-Saint Seiya - Any of the TV series and the 3rd movie, Japanese, French and/or subtitled
-Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman - anything and everything but the OVAs

What I've Got

This list isn't too impressive, but I've got a few things that might catch your interest.

-Anime Weekend Atlanta 1997 Best of Music Videos
-BattleStar Galactica -almomst all episodes
-Due South - various episodes from 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons
-FAKE OAV (subtitled)
-Gargoyles - misc. episodes
-Gundam Wing - episodes 1-36 (subtitled)
-Gundam Wing - episodes 37-49 (Japanese)
-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz 1-3 (subtitled)
-Hercules - various episodes
-Magic Knights Rayearth 1-28 (subtitled)
-Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth (subtitled)
-Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion (subtitled)
-Otakon Music Videos 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 (1998 is first gen)
-Real Ghostbusters
-Ronin Warriors 1-39
-The Sentinel - seasons 1-3
-Starsky and Hutch - Various Episodes
-X/1999 (subtitled)
-Yoroiden Samurai Troopers OAVs 1-3 (Japanese)
-Zetsuai Since 1989 (subtitled)
-Zetsuai Bronze (subtitled)


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