Mighty Ducks

Fan Fiction




Contest Rules


Please note: No stories containing NC-17 content will be accepted.

Please use your discretion when submitting a story. Your judges are by no means shy, but there are under aged individuals visiting this site. Any story containing graphic violence, sex or profanity will not be accepted in the judging.


There are no minimum or maximum page requirements, just use your discretion. It’s really hard to judge something that’s only two paragraphs long, whereas a 400-page epic might just kill your poor judges.


There are five categories to this contest:








Please let me know which category you are submitting your story to. You may submit your story to more than one category as long as it is relevant. Don’t submit a funny fic to the Darkfic category.


There will be a Best Overall category, where the judges will decide which story they each enjoyed the most. You cannot submit to this category as you are automatically entered when you send us the story.


All submitted stories will be archived online, at the Eclectica: Pages of Puckworld archive. If you absolutely do not want your story to be submitted you must tell me when you send me your story. This will not affect your chances of winning in any way.


All submitted stories must center around the regular cast of the series. As wonderful as the original characters are, introducing all of them so that I and the other judges are familiar with them would take a lot of time. Submitted stories may focus on Dive, Duke, Dragaunus – heck, write a story about Thrash and Mookie if you want to! – but for the sake of the judges, please do not submit any stories that center around or involve an original main character. It’s hard to judge characterization of a character you know nothing about.


Crossovers with another fandom are accepted, but they must focus on a character from the Mighty Ducks fandom.


Please, please, format your story before sending it to me! Single-spaced, line breaks between each paragraph, no imbedded images. At the beginning of your story, please include a header similar to this one:





Notes: (if your story is an epilogue or missing scene to a particular episode, you may want to mention it here)

Warning: (death fic? Romance? Angst? You don’t have to warn us, but we’d very much appreciate it)

Disclaimer: (For the archive)

Summary: Just a line or two so I have something to describe it with when I archive it.


All stories should be spell-checked at least and beta read at best before being submitted.



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